Schedule (tentative)
Note that the schedule is tentative, and will change depending on how slow / fast we are able to go. In particular, assignment release and due dates, quiz times, and project milestones shown here are subject to changes unless they have actually been released through the respective links: assignments, project.html, quizzes.
Recommended Textbooks
FP: Computer Vision: A Modern Approach by David Forsyth and Jean Ponce (2nd ed.)
S: Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski (PDF available online)
HZ: Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman
Date | Topic | Slides | Readings | Assignments |
Jan 27 | Introduction | PDF, PPTX | | Assignment 0 |
Jan 29 | Perspective projection | PDF, PPTX | S2.1 | |
Feb 3 | Cameras | PDF, PPTX | S2.2 | |
Feb 5 | Light and shading | PDF, PPTX | S2.2, S2.3 | |
Feb 10 | Color | PDF, PPTX | | Assignment 1 |
| | | | Assignment 0 Due Feb 10 2021 11:59:59 PM |
Feb 12 | Dynamic Perspective Filtering (Spatial domain) | PPTX, PDF PPTX, PDF | S3.2 | Project Proposal |
Feb 17 | No Instruction Day | | | |
Feb 19 | Filtering (Frequency domain, Image Pyramids) | PPTX, PDF | S3.4 | |
Feb 24 | Edge Detection | PPTX, PDF PPTX, PDF | S4.2, gPb | |
Feb 26 | Corner Detection | PPTX, PDF | S4.1 | |
| | | | Assignment 1 Due Feb 26 2021 11:59:59 PM |
Mar 3 | SIFT keypoints, Optical flow | PPTX1, PDF1 PPTX2, PDF2 | S4.1, SIFT Paper | Assignment 2 |
Mar 5 | Fitting | PPTX, PDF | SA.2, S4.3.2 | |
| | | | Project Proposal Due Mar 8 2021 11:59:59 PM |
Mar 10 | Alignment | PPTX, PDF | S6.1 | |
Mar 12 | Alignment | PPTX, PDF PPTX, PDF | S6.1 | |
Mar 17 | Camera Calibration | PPTX, PDF | S6.3, HZ8 | |
Mar 19 | Camera Calibration | PPTX, PDF | S6.3, HZ8 | Assignment 3 |
| | | | Assignment 2 Due March 19 2021 11:59:59PM |
Mar 24 | No Instruction Day | | | |
Mar 26 | Epipolar Geometry | PPTX, PDF | S7.2, HZ9 | |
Mar 31 | Structure from Motion | PPTX, PDF | S11 | |
Apr 2 | Two-view Stereo | PPTX, PDF | | |
| | | | Assignment 3 Due Apr 5 2021 11:59:59PM |
Apr 7 | Intro to recognition, Digit Classification | PPTX, PDF | Digits Classification | Assignment 4 |
Apr 9 | Neural Networks | PPTX, PDF | SGD Tricks | |
| | | | Project Progress Report Due April 9 2021 11:59:59PM |
Apr 14 | Convolutional Neural Networks | PPTX, PDF | CS231n CNN Tutorial | |
Apr 16 | Convolutional Neural Networks | | | |
Apr 21 | Convolutional Neural Networks | | | |
Apr 23 | Segmentation | PPTX, PDF | FCN, UNet | |
Apr 28 | Detection | PPTX, PDF | R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, SSD | |
| | | | Assignment 4 Due April 28 2021 11:59:59PM |
Apr 30 | Detection and Instance Segmentation | | | |
| | | | Assignment 4 Due May 3 2021 11:59:59PM |
May 5 | Student's Choice (Videos, Vision+Robotics) | PPTX, PDF KEY, PDF | | ICES |
| | | | Projects Due May 7 2021 11:59:59PM